All referrals for admission to the Evergreen Centre will be via consultation with the current provision and the LA Decision-Making Group (DMG).

A child allocated a place at the Evergreen Speech & Language Centre will be:-

  • A child whose primary difficulty is a speech & language disorder and where other difficulties encountered are a direct result of their speech and/or language disorder.
  • A child with a severe speech disorder.
  • A child with non-verbal skills that fall within a normal range but have significant discrepancy between verbal and non-verbal abilities.
  • A child who does not have emotional and behavioural difficulties as their primary need.
  • A child whose parents are in full agreement with Centre placement and are aware that their child is also part of the attached mainstream school.
  • A child who has been referred to the Centre through outside agencies and the LA decision-making group.
  • A child who has an Education Health and Care Plan.