At Warren Wood Primary School, we provide an education for our children that will contribute to their confidence, competence and motivation which is essential for them to achieve, participate in further education and to be successful in life and at work.

We believe that education is not for children but for the adults they will become which encourages young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors

Our curriculum, ethos and approach at Warren Wood Primary fully supports the personal development of each and every pupil. Children are nurtured and encouraged to develop attributes such as confidence, resilience and independence as well as an understanding of British values in order that they are fully prepared for life in 21st Century Britain, and indeed, the world. Equality and diversity are promoted and celebrated throughout school and we are very proud of a curriculum which equips our children with the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead happy, safe and healthy lives whilst enabling them to develop their talents and strive for their goals.

Our values are woven through the curriculum in all lessons and our RECIPE LIC acronym is referred to constantly during the day, reminding the children of what this means to them: respect, excellence, collaboration, independence, perseverance, enjoyment, leadership , integrity and care.


Our Beyond the Classroom Lead, Mrs Dore, can be contracted via the main office.