Casual Admissions
For all casual admission enquiries for Reception to Year 6, please email our Admissions Team on
Please click here for the in year casual admission form that will need to be completed and returned back to us so we can process your application (ideally by email or post or alternatively please bring it to the school).
Please note that Medway Council look after all Reception admissions from September until the end of the calendar year e.g. 31st December.
Please visit the following link which will take you to Medway Council’s website regarding the appeals process for an In Year Casual Admission.
Nursery Admissions
For all Nursery admission enquiries please email Miss Green, Office Supervisor and Admissions Officer, at
Please click above for Nursery application form that will need to be completed and returned back to Miss Green, so that your child can be added onto our waiting list and your application can be processed (ideally by email or post or alternatively please bring it to the school).
Nursery children are admitted from the term following their 3rd birthday, however please note that The Department for Education sets the dates for when children become eligible by age to start. These eligibility dates will apply to both the universal 15 hour funding and the extended 30 hour entitlement:
- Born between 1st January and 31st March – children can start Nursery term 5 following their third birthday (after Easter holidays).
- Born between 1st September and 31st December – children can start Nursery term 3 following their third birthday (after Christmas holidays).
- Born between 1st April and 31st August – children can start Nursery term 1 following their third birthday (after Summer holidays).
Our main intake is at the start of the new academic school year (end of August/start of September following the Summer break) and we have an intake in January (following the Christmas holidays) and March/April (following the Easter holidays) if we have spaces available to offer.
We offer both 15 and 30 hour funding. Our morning sessions run from 8.30am to 11.30am and our afternoon sessions run from 12.30pm to 3.30pm. All day sessions run from 8.30am to 3.15pm.
To check your eligibility if you think you may be entitled to 30 hour funding (either a lone parent working 16 hours or more per week or two parents both working more than 16 hours a week), please visit
If you are eligible for the 30 hour funding, you will need to give Miss Green your National Insurance Number and 30 hour code provided by HMRC before your child starts Nursery so we can register this with Medway to receive the funding. You will need to refresh your 30 hour code at certain points throughout the year, this is to check that you are still eligible to receive the funding but your code will never change.
Please note that with the 30 hour funding, due to the length of the school day, you will be charged an extra 3.75 hours a week as the school week is 33.75 hours and your funding only covers you for 30 hours.
With our 15 hour funding, sessions can either be taken as AM sessions, PM sessions or across 2.5 days. If taking your hours across 2.5 days, once you have reached your 15 hours, any additional hours will be charged at £5.30 per hour.
Additional sessions can be arranged on a permanent basis if your child is on 15 hour funding and are currently charged at £5.30 per hour. Once these are booked these hours cannot be changed.
If you wish to increase your child’s Nursery hours, this will be dependent on whether we have the sessions available, please email for further details. If we are able to offer the extra sessions, these will then start from our next intake round.
Please note that Nursery children are expected to attend all their booked sessions that have been asked for on a weekly basis unless there is a valid reason for their absence. Should your child not attend all their booked sessions for three consecutive weeks, their place in our Nursery will be reviewed as we are an oversubscribed Nursery.
If you wish to withdraw your child from our Nursery, a term’s notice must be given.
Nursery to Reception Admissions
Please note that if your child attends our Nursery, this does not mean that they will automatically be given a place for Reception. You will need to apply for your child’s Reception place via Medway Council.
Please visit the following link which will take you to Medway Council’s website, where you can find out more about applying for a Reception Primary School place:
The Evergreen Centre
All referrals for admission to our specialist provision for speech and language needs for The Evergreen Centre will be via consultation with the current provision and the LA Decision Making Group (DMG).
Parents will initially request a placement through the SEN (Special Educational Needs) Team at Medway Council who will then consult with The Evergreen Centre at Warren Wood Primary Academy.
The Evergreen Centre at Warren Wood Primary Academy will then advise the SEN Team at Medway Council as to whether a place can be offered.
If a place is agreed then this will be named on the child’s final EHCP. (Education, Health and Care Plan)
Further information can be obtained by emailing Miss Donoghoe (SENCo) at
For all Admissions
– Birth Certificate and Proof of Address
Once your child has been offered a place at our Academy, you will need to complete and admissions pack. We will also need to see your child’s original birth certificate and proof of your address before your child starts at our Academy.